Linux VPS Server

The Internet has revolutionized nearly every aspect of modern life. From the way we shop for products and services to the way we communicate with friends and learn new information, web access is still to this day helping to shape a brave new world. Internet access is so common, especially in the industrialized world, that many of us have come to take it for granted. When we get online using our PC, laptop, or smart phone and update our Facebook or check out the menu of a new restaurant, we rarely stop to consider all the amazing technology at work behind the scenes. There are routers, switches, modems, wired and wireless networks, and high speed data lines humming quietly in the background. There are also millions of web servers in state of the art data centers all over the globe used to host the many websites that now exist.

Web hosting technology has gotten so advanced that it is now very inexpensive and very easy to host a website. Even so, there are a wide variety of hosting plans available. They range from entry level "free" plans (free is in quotations because these plans are funded by placing ads on customers' websites) up to the Rolls Royce dedicated server plans. The high end plans are reserved for the deep pocketed power players of the Internet. The majority of webmasters that falls between those two extremes choose a Linux VPS server more than any other flavor of hosting service. Linux VPS plans are immensely popular because they are cheap, flexible, and come with all the features that you as a webmaster could possibly want.

What are the benefits of a Linux VPS Server?

Linux holds a special place in the hearts of software engineers and developers all over the world, because it was the first open source operating system in history. Developers love open source software because they can freely access the source code, modify and improve it in whatever way they want, the release their new version. With Linux in particular, thousands of developers have been continuously working the bugs out of the OS over the years, so the Linux versions that are used in web servers today are extremely stable. Linux is also quick to adapt to changing conditions and evolving requirements, again attributable to the open source development model. These qualities are imperative for any web server software, since many people make their living from the Internet and any glitches or downtime can affect the livelihoods of those people. And even if you don't use your website to make money, you're still paying to make sure it is live and accessible, so reliable software is crucial.

When you couple the Linux operating system with a low cost virtual private server (VPS), you've stumbled on to the most widely adopted hosting solution on the market. A virtual private server is part of a web server that is configured with software to function as a separate physical server. Many of these virtual servers can be stored on a single physical web server. This allows server administrators to share the expense of the one server among many customers, which translates to low prices. But since each customer is renting a virtual server, they are free to select their favorite operating system, software, and privacy and security settings. They can do all this without affecting the other webmasters on the server, all through the magic of VPS hosting.

Why Should I Use a Linux VPS Server?

The answer to that question is simple: you want the best web hosting possible and you don't want to pay an arm and a leg. With the savings of virtual private servers combined with the power and stability of the Linux operating system, you truly get the best of both worlds. So check our Linux VPS server plans and get started on your new website today!